Please click here to signup by filling out the brief form in order to get a quote for your requests.
For details regarding our process, please click here for further information.
You will have to provide us detailed briefings regarding your requirements along with your contact details, package selection & complete vector editable formats for your company logo.
The process duration would heavily depend on the complexity of your requirements. However, standard estimation of time has been mentioned in front of every package. Kindly click here for package details.
The turn around time per revision is 24 to 48 hours (1 to 2 business days).
Revision count varies depending on different packages. Kindly click here for package details.
You can conveniently provide your email via email. Our email address is [email protected]
No. of pages varies depending on different packages. Kindly click here for package details.
For testing purposes, 6 products and 6 categories will be added. However, once the feature is fully integrated you can add unlimited products and categories on your own.
CMS (Content Management System) allows you to self manage content of your website by your own, at any point in time you can easily add videos and edit content of your website.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a platform which allows you provide services to your customer. CRM enables you to have a more integrated model for communication with your customer, hence allowing you to strengthen your relationship with your customers.
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a system which allows you manage & strategically plan the inflow and outflow of your SKUs inventories. ERP also helps you to manage human, physical & financial resources of your business.
Kindly click here to view our policy section for refunds.
The acceptable mode of payment is Master card & Visa.
You will be provided with complete source files which will be used for your project. However, further information regarding the formats has been specified with the package details kindly click here to view.